A diagnosis of a critical illness for you or your loved one can be a shattering experience. This results in a fanatical race to arrange money for the treatment. With medical cost skyrocketing, the situation worsens if you do not have a Critical Illness Insurance Plan that specifically covers critical illnesses. It’s not just the cost of treatment which will pinch your pocket but the out-of-pocket expense that will squeeze your hard-earned savings.

Critical illnesses are, most often than not, sudden and unexpected occurrences and what better way to safeguard yourself from it through an effective Critical illness Insurance plan. The basic cover provides financial protection if the assured is diagnosed as suffering from a (defined) critical illness. This includes cancer, stroke, first heart attack, kidney failure, loss of hearing, loss of speech, benign brain tumor, etc.

Various schemes designed to provide compensation to the assured and his family are available. Your Critical Illness Insurance Plan ensures that you can avail the best-in-class treatment. Moreover, the ease and hassle free claims process positively add to the experience. Thereby, making you spend your precious time with your loved one, than running around arranging for funds.